Saturday, November 28, 2009

A couple of humorous quotes plus a New Cartoon

" I remember things the way they should have been." Truman Capote

" " How is it possible to have a civil war?" George Carlin

" " Anyone who sleeps in the trunk of a car deserves to be shot." Al Capone

Click Here if you're being verbally abused by family, friends or co-workers. 42 % experience verbal abuse and it MUST STOP NOW!!

Mike Moore: A Fun Speaker with a GREAT Message
humor in the workplace

Laughter makes great things happen!!



Bryan said...

So cool! I wonder how you do this kind of stuff and where did you get your resources. Your posts are really funny that it made my day.

Mike Moore said...

Hi Bryan. I get my material from watching the unfolding drama of life. i carry a notebook and pen with me constantly and record humor wherever I see it. Mike